Monday, June 19, 2006

DT work for Timeless Inspirations

I'm so excited to be the guest designer for JUNE at Timeless Inspirations. The girls on this site are so sweet. Michelle, the owner, is so upbeat and positive. She really goes out of her way to make everyone feel welcome. And the DT coordinator, Share, is super organized and great at what she does. The DT is uber talented as well! This was the first DT I ever tried out for, so I have a special place for it in my heart, even if I was only asked to be a guest for a month. God had other plans in store for me and that was OK by me! I like this DT stuff because it stretches my creativity to try things I may have never tried before. For one thing, I wanted to make sure I used ALL the supplies I was sent from Michelle. Trust me, I have a few scraps left over and I'm hoarding them to maybe create a card or add to the mini album I'm making. I think it's really important that as a DT member, you utilize all the supplies to the max. After all, it's not MY money I'm playing with. The owner deserves quality examples of projects customers can complete with their store product. So without further aideu . . . I present to you my first guest DT LO for Timeless Inspirations. A mini album and a sketch LO is coming SOON!


Andrea said...

great job Dee!

ITA with what your saying...I have a box for all that sort of stuff and try my darndest to stretch it!

christina said...

ohh i love this LO. great job. dang i hadn't realized that it had been a while since i visited your blog last. guess i was slipping up LOL.