Tuesday, June 20, 2006

This child . . .

Driving me BANANAS! He has been talking non-stop about WHO KNOWS WHAT! He just told me that "His country does not allow pictures of him because it destroys the Inner Possum of himself." QUE? And then he starts pointing to his nose and calls it a "food holder." WHAT? And now he is discussing the "hole in the bottom of your booty" that makes goofy noises. This child is totally nuts. The phone is ringing and he just started screaming, "WHAT IS THAT NOISE!?" This child is driving me IN SANE! He just looked at my blog title and said, "Officially nuts? Pretty much describes you! They nailed that one down didn't they?" This is like the POT calling the KETTLE black.

1 comment:

christina said...

LOL, how old is he? and is he yours? he sounds like my son LOL talking non stop all of the time. my son is 10 and driving me bonkers.