Oh yeah . . . just completely and 100% busy with the last week of school crap. I cannot wait for this stuff to be done! 60 sixth grade students will be converging in my pool on Friday around noon. Think and pray for me . . . and for their ability to control hormones and not take it behind barns and places I can't see! LORD HELP ME!
Speaking of MONES . . . .
a really sweet girl I've met online at
www.scrapbookingwede.com has been kind enough to let me know she reads every post. YIKES! The pressure! I love it that people actually read this thing. It's fun to get into people's minds and hearts. I think blogging gives me an outlet to express my feelings and find out if anyone else out there feels the same way. I usally show this in my scrapping. Not so much in a post. But I think I'd like to start that too. One thing that Christina (my new blogging buddy) blogged about was her hysterectomy. This is something I am struggling with. I know the time is imminent. I have periods that last for about 9 days, heavy. I'm starting to get hot flashes where I have to change my shirt after I dive in the freezing cold pool to cool off. I'm afraid to tell my mom about this because who knows what kind of advice she is going to give. Ugh. At least my mom is around to get me through this so I probably should just tell her. I can't imagine being in her position and not having her mom around when she went through this shit. I do love my mom. She's just great. Opinionated, but great. She means well. I think. MUAH! OK . . .kinda tearing up now . . . gotta get the MONES in check. Check.
Moving on to other topics. I am going to rechallenge myself from an earlier post to get on another DT. I applied to a new one today. First off, I absolutely LOVE the team I am on right now, so don't you DARE take this the wrong way if anyone from there is reading this. ScrapbookingSwede the sotre (CHECK IT OUT), Angelique, Julie, and the people who are loyal to that board, are just fabulous. Those girls can talk and talk about ANYTHING! We are so fun over there . . . you should join us! There are so many talented scrappers too! And we love to swap and RAK each other . . . crazy fun. They all make me wanna move to Canada. Actually, I'd have to move to Victoria. I think that is probably one of the most beautiful cities I've ever seen. I would love to raise my family there. But, back to the Swede gang. They are the bomb! I'm not sure how long my position on that team goes for, but I'll stay there for as long as they will have me.
But I did apply to a new one because I'm trying to build my resume up. Dream rambling here . . . . I'd love to be on a MFG DT . . . I'd love to have magazines call me up and say . . .your photos are fabulouso . . . create a LO for us using this this and this for this issue. But you only get that through experience and exposure . . . so time to expand. Hey, maybe I can become a household name for the US and Canada!
Oh, forgot to tell you . . . I have a secret pal from the veggie site. I have had so much fun spoiling her. I've sent her some really cool stuff. I know she loves it because she's said I absolutely amaze her. And I should also mention that my secret pal who is a secret to me has been fabulous with emails and such. In our application, I really stressed that more so than getting lots of fabulous product, because let me tell you, I've got a closet full of stuff right now and I really don't need or want for anything, I mostly wanted to establish a new friendship. I think that my friendships on the Interenet are way easier than the ones I try to establish with people I live near. Does this make sense? Dont' get me wrong . . .I'm by no means a recluse. I probably have too many friends! Is that possible? Yes . . .because what happens is each friendship is only developed for what I have time for and with too many, you don't develop them as much. My best friend, Maria, is an easy friendship. We can pick up the phone and get caught up on 2 weeks worth of stuff. She's easy. The rest is hard. That's why I like all my online friends. Everyone is around, easy to chat with, and could care less if I'm wearing shoes from Payless Shoe Shource or Nordstroms (although I prefer the Nordstrom shoes!). So to all my little buddies out there in the WWW, I just love you all. Thanks for being so great.
Man . . . the MONES are really speaking today. I hope they are nice when the fam gets home.
Oh and one more thing . . . congrats to the SOUL PATROL! Taylor was really good last night. KAtherine was good too, despite the fact Meatloaf can't sing for crap. Did anyone tell him he was on national television and that carrying a tune would be a good idea? And Prince. . .well he was awesome! My kids couldn't get over his whole name thing. So my son says to me, "Call me"the son formerly known as Hayden.'" We laughed for days about that. "The dog formerly known as Lucy." "The mom formerly known as mom." Good times.