Thursday, May 04, 2006

SHE . . . is nuts (we knew that) and has a PERSONAL TRAINER!

WHAT the heck did I do today! My friend Monique calls me up a few days ago and says, "Do you still have your membership to the gym." Well . . . yes, partly because I crack up at the irony of quitting the gym when A. you never go and B. your too fat to quit the gym. Once you join, it's like a CATCH 22! ANYWAY . . .so she says, "Want to get a personal trainer with my skinny little body (oh wait . . . she didn't say it like that, but I'm sure she was thinking it) with me and we can share the sessions?" Uh . . . just so you know . . . I said "SURE!" But I only said "SURE" because "NO" sounded more like, "No, I enjoy being plump so I think I'll just keep this body how it is." LOL! SO, thus the title of the NEXT journal entry in the SHE book . . . .SHE has a personal trainer. And SHE is not sure if SHE will be able to get out of bed in the morn! Go me!


Andrea said...

you go girl!
can't wait to see this entry!

christina said...

LOL you are too funny. speaking of gym's i should join one too. ohh wait never mind i would wrather work out in the privacy of my own home LOL. i'm too shy to go to the gym.