Sunday, April 30, 2006

Something in my heart

My heart has been speaking to me. I wish it would shut up. I hate it when this happens because I usually end up diving into a new realm of my life. And this time my heart keeps saying "CHERRY ARTE! CHERRY ARTE!" Oh good grief . . .all right already! I'm gonna go for it! I'm officially throwing my hat into the ring at the 11th hour. As usual. Why is it that I don't feel like I have a snow ball's chance in getting this gig. Probably because I don't. I mean, when one of the questions is, "Where have you been published?" Uh . . . .do I answer that one? Or should I give them my sad, "GIVE ME A CHANCE!" I think I will give them the saga story because that's all I got baby! I've submitted only recently. In fact, I'm not even sure if the calls have gone out. I take that back, I once submitted to a BH sketch. It was DARN good. And if I hadn't used that stupid JOLEE'S BOUTIQUE puffy sticker on it, I would have probably gotten the pub because my LO totally rocked! but they have to know . . .I scrap for me. And that Puffy Sticker actually meant something to me. Not only did I buy it IONS ago in hopes I'd be able to use it one day, but my son's football # actually matched the number on the sticker. I didn't care that it wasn't the IN thing. If they would have read the journaling, they would have got it! But NNNNNOOOOO . . . my name wasn't recognized and I used a has been supply. So what. They didn't ask me to do anything specific, so I did what felt right. And here's another "feel right" LO. I think it's fun. I dreamed it up last night. I'd change a few things about it, but it's the 11th hour for the Cherry Arte DT and it's going. Good thing I only have to submit 4 LO's and they don't have to be Cherry Arte. I'm going to try to get some more things done seeing I won every paper line Cherry Arte has! I absolutely LOVE this paper. If it wasn't for the paper, I would never bother. But this paper SPEAKS to me. IT CRIES FOR ME TO USE IT EVERY TIME I LOOK AT IT!!!!!! SO . . . .GO ME! Wish me luck guys!


lisa said...

Love this layout! We need to chat again~Hugs

Andrea said...

I'm rooting for you! you go did such a fab job.

christina said...

i love this LO. it brings back memories of me when i was a kid. we used to catch and play with lizards all the time and then we would let them go.

good luck i am rootin for ya.