Thursday, April 27, 2006

I got this completely wild hair this morning and ordered a whole bunch of microscope slides. Whatever. I'm going to do something with them, not sure what yet. But something inspired me to look for a quote that inspires me about friendship and eyes. Maybe it was because I took a picture of a ton of eyes last night at a BELLY DANCING party! Kinda fun . . . anywho . . . I ran across this amazing quote that is totally inspiring me right now.

Online Friendship

Online friend I have never seen you before,
but I know you are really there.
I click you into reality, like magic in the air.
Your voice is like an angel, though I really do not hear.
Your hug as warm as any, of the loved ones I hold dear.
You are always there for comfort, or a word of cheer.
Though you are very far away, I always have you near.
You are a very special friend, like none I have ever known.
As long as you are in cyberspace, I will never be alone.

So . . .this something is going to happen with this quote and my art work . . . maybe in my SHE album.

1 comment:

christina said...

i really liked that poem. btw i wanted to ty for comenting on my blog LOL. i had no idea anybody other then family read it LOL. i also wanted to add that you are one talented scrapper :)