Wednesday, March 22, 2006

ROLODEX Swap at Scraps Etc. Event

Wow! You found me! Well, I'm in no way "in charge" of this. I'm throwing this out there, not sure if anyone will particpate, but if you are participating, sign in here!

We'll make this totally informal . . . make up as many rolodex cards that you have patience for and swap them with the new friends that you meet at the event. Maybe we can use some sort of "signal" that shows you have cards to swap, like tying a pink bow to your name tag or something.

This may already be a common practice at these type of events. I wouldn't know because I've never ever been to somethiing like this. I'm just thinking this would be fun! So, if you're game, sign in here with a comment on this post with your name, MB ID, and email.

ETA: Check out my 4/6/06 entry. It's about t-shirts!


Michelle Sanders said...

I am so in! I've never made any rolodex cards before (although I have thought about it)and I've never participated in a swap before so this should be fun. I don't know what a MB ID is but my two peas ID is "me me pea" and my e-mail is It's so nice to have others share my excitement for this event...all of my non-scrapbooking friends think I'm looney!

lisa said...

You know I'm in! Let's get some of those Peas over here to sign in!

Do you have any samples to show? I've never done a rolodex swap!
Thanks! Can't wait to meet you!

Courtney said...

I'm making some rolodex cards for the swap!

~Courtney :-)

Breanne Crawford said...

I'm gonna try to do this. I think there are bigger rolodex cards and smaller ones... Are they supposed to be themed?? please let me know!
