Sunday, March 12, 2006

Church ROCKED today!

It was packed! We had so many kids doing Profession of Faith. OUTSTANDING! Baptism! Transfer of memberships. Oh my! Our church is growing like a weed! It's crazy good! And our sermon . . .well, our sermon was on the 7th commandment (I think it's the 7th): Thou shall not committ adultry. :0 Yes! It was just a little tiny bit uncomfortable sitting in church with out kids, but hey, it is in the Bible and they need to know that it is not ok. And that sex before marriage is not ok. Only within marriage. So yea . . . it was interesting, and PG-13 at times, but it was all good. Funny to watch some people squirm in their seats. As my friend said afterward, "Hey! At least we KNOW not to make eye contact with anyone!" Laughed so hard at that one. I would never committ adultry . . . I can't even handle what I'm supposed to do, let alone on the side! LOL!!! Have a great Sunday girlies! Oh, the picture I took today is of my son and his new possee. Lucy is in there . .she's the only female. Let's hope they are all fixed, otherwise I'll have another birds and be rest are fixed!

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