Sunday, October 30, 2005

See, I told you I didn't have time for this!!! One month later and I'm posting another entry! Oh brother. So here's has what's been going on since my last/first entry. I auditioned for a play and got the part. Yes, that's right, adding to my resume of goofy things I do. Madalyn also got a part, so that is the only reason I said yes to the play. But I have to admit. It is really fun! Do I have the acting bug yet? No. It's a huge commitment. But I can see Madalyn with the bug, no doubt!

I also entered a layout in a sketch contest at The October sketch contest. This is my first "contest" outside of the eBay catastrophe, I've entered. I've decided to take my scrapping skills to a new level. You know how I get when I set my mind to something!!!! I'm going to submit for HOF this year, but only for myself. I know I won't win, but it's one more thing I can say when I do my acceptance article . . . ."After 52 years of submitting, I am proof that an 89 year old great grandmother still has IT!" I can hear the presses howling now!!!!!!!! But I don't give up, and I won't give up. Ok, maybe I'll miss a few years, but darn it . . . . I will be a famous face someday! Just watch!!!!!!

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